Police Like Pinterest Too

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Pinterest is one of the social media sites where people find varieties of things such as exclusives products, hotels, recipes etc. Social media sites are quite popular and every individual is familiar with it.

Pinterest has helped the police to solve a criminal case too.

In February, a police officer has revealed bags of stolen jewellery found in the boot of a car during a normal traffic stop. To find out some evidence detective Dave Stahler switched to social media and start searching the owner of a charm bracelet marked with name and dates. Eight hours after posting on social media sites of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and finally he found evidence. Stahler received information from three people who helped to identify the owner of the bracelet. Finally, the police have solved the problem through social media sites.

The Red city police department has come up with an online platform that connects the general public with local government and law enforcement agencies. Social media has an ability to prove out at a time when needed with help of digital device to solve crimes problems. It helps to connect police with communities through large extent. According to International Association of Chiefs of Police Center for Social Media found 92 percent of law enforcement agency uses social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc.

The practice of social media networking develops into an admired trend, experimental and effective. It is hard to measure how effective it is but proven in many cases. According to the research, police are using the social media sites for solving the criminal cases and they had active results through these sites.

Social media help police to reach the large public in innovative ways. Professionals like “Steven,” said social media proficiency among cops is required to keep law enforcement on the identical footing with lawbreakers. It is very crucial that these qualified experts must be given the training to access the social media sites and how to get detail information through such networking channels.

Source: npr.org

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